No. Just Don’t Do. No Googles or Amazons or Siris in A Law Office.


Absolutely not.

Do not do it.

I can’t say it any clearer.

The answer is no.

Don’t do it.

What am I talking about is having Alexa or Google or Siri or any other similar object in your law office.

One attorney I know recently mentioned that it’s very handy to have a Google in his office and that he keeps it there and uses it all the time.

That may be a great idea in theory, but it is a terrible idea in practice.

Don’t do it.

What do I mean?

It’s real simple.

These devices are listening devices; they listen for words and cues in order to give responses.

That means they’re listening all the time.

And Google and Amazon and all those companies have said that those recordings are monitored at times by people.

That means you are talking about client matters, you are talking about confidential matters, and suddenly your conversation may not be confidential. All because Google is listening or Siri is listening or someone else is listening.

Don’t do it.

You should never have those type of devices in your office.

You don’t want these devices in your office.

They listen to what you say.

If you are saying something or having a conversation with a client, they are listening.

They are recording it, they are doing things you don’t want done with that conversation. And that means that they could be repeated by third parties. Or the conversation, or  substance of it could be heard by third parties.

I don’t think you want to be the one to be the test case, to find out if you’ve breached confidentiality and that your attorney-client conversations are suddenly not confidential.

In other words, no.

Don’t do it.


Absolutely not.

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