Attorney Daniel J. Siegel Lectures About Technology & The Law

Attorney Daniel J. Siegel of Havertown, Pennsylvania, has recently presented a number of programs focusing on the intersection of law and technology. In particular, Siegel is scheduled to present a three hour program, “Android for Lawyers” for the Pennsylvania Bar Institute on Friday, April 25, 2014 in Philadelphia. For more information, visit

Siegel is also a course planner for and is speaking at “The Technology Institute,” to be held on June 11, 2014 in Philadelphia. For more information, visit Siegel will lecture on “The Paperless Office” and “Mobility, the Cloud, and Ethics” at this program, which is also sponsored by the Pennsylvania Bar Institute.

Siegel recently presented three programs, “60 Android Apps & Widgets,” “The Litigators Guide to Android,” and “What the Heck is this Case About?! A New Perspective on Using Timelines, Chronologies and Transcript Management,” at Techshow, the American Bar Association Law Practice Division’s major law and technology event, which was held in Chicago from March 27 to 29, 2014.

Attorney Siegel is the founder of Integrated Technology Services, LLC, a consulting service for attorneys based in suburban Philadelphia and in Maine. He is also the principal of the Law Offices of Daniel J. Siegel, LLC. As a consultant, Mr. Siegel works with attorneys and their staffs to improve their workflow using technology. As an attorney, Mr. Siegel handles workers’ compensation matters and serves as a “second chair” for other attorneys – handling the matters that keep them up at night, such as preparing appeals court briefs and helping lawyers prepare cases for trial.

He is the author of Android Apps in One Hour for Lawyers and The Lawyer’s Guide to CaseMap, both published by the American Bar Association Law Practice Management Division.

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