Technological Incompetence – It’s Scary

Last night I lectured to the Barbieri Inn of Court – a specialty group of lawyers in the Philadelphia area who primarily handle workers’ compensation cases – about the requirement that lawyers be technologically competent. I discussed everything from cellphone security to ransomware.

But today I realized that for some lawyers the bar for technological competence is much, much lower, perhaps below ground level.… Read the rest

Friday, Sept. 28th – Live CLE in Media: Using Technology to Prepare For Hearings, Depositions & Trial

One of Attorney Dan Siegel’s most popular programs, recent attendees called this a “must” program for all litigators. 

Learn how easy-to-use technology can help you prepare more effectively and more efficiently for depositions, hearings, and trials, with better results in less time. This webinar will demonstrate:

  • The various technologies used by lawyers today vs. the pen-and-paper methods;
  • How to analyze the strengths and weaknesses of cases using litigation software;
  • How to prepare for proceedings with confidence that you have the documents or other evidence needed; and,
  • How to create chronologies that also serve as an outline for opening statements and other trial-related matters.
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Dan Siegel to Discuss Social Media & Ethics in Pittsburgh & Philadelphia

Need a CLE credit? Or perhaps you have a concern about your use and your clients’ use of social media? Then Dan Siegel’s upcoming program, “Current Issues in Technology, Social Media & Ethics” is for you.

Dan will present this one-hour program at PBI’s Pittsburgh center on Thursday, August 25, 2016 at 3 p.m. Click here for registration and other information.Read the rest

Yes – You Can Have Readable PDFs

When we work with law firms and courts to help them digitize their files – such as court filings – central to that work is to assure that they use the PDF format and that the PDFs are of a high quality. Unfortunately, many people don’t realize how easy it is to create high quality readable PDFs. When you do so, the PDFs can be OCRed – made into searchable text – that facilitates easy searching, and easy copying and pasting into other documents, like briefs and opinions.… Read the rest

Attorney Daniel J. Siegel Lectures About Technology & The Law

Attorney Daniel J. Siegel of Havertown, Pennsylvania, has recently presented a number of programs focusing on the intersection of law and technology. In particular, Siegel is scheduled to present a three hour program, “Android for Lawyers” for the Pennsylvania Bar Institute on Friday, April 25, 2014 in Philadelphia. For more information, visit

Siegel is also a course planner for and is speaking at “The Technology Institute,” to be held on June 11, 2014 in Philadelphia.… Read the rest

Managing the Risks and Benefits of Technology in a Law Office Presentation Online as Podcast

Attorney Dan Siegel’s seminar, “Managing the Risks and Benefits of Technology,” which hepresented on September 14, 2010 to the Philadelphia Bar Associaiton’s Professional Guidance and Law Practice Management Committees and Young Lawyers Division, and through the Pennsylvania Bar Institute, is available as a podcast at or the Philadelphia Bar Association’s website – Thanks to Barbara Rosenberg and Hope Comisky (co-chairs of the Professional Guidance Committee) and Paul Kazaras (of the Philadelphia Bar Association) for inviting Dan (president and founder of Integrated Technology Services, LLC) to speak.Read the rest

Paperless Office

I’m just finished lecturing about “How to Go Paperless” for PBI in Philadelphia with attorneys Rachel Branson, Walter Robinson and Twanda Turner-Hawkins. I demonstrated the various software we support and use. Most positive was the very good attendance, with about 35 people at the program. More and more, lawyers are beginning to recognize the need to reduce their reliance on paper, and the need to focus more on how technology makes them more efficient.… Read the rest