Attorney Daniel J. Siegel‘s latest book, How to Do More in Less Time: The Complete Guide to Increasing Your Productivity and Improving Your Bottom Line, Second Edition, is now available from the American Bar Association. Written for the busy professional, this book explains how to identify the right activities that need to be accomplished and then how to most efficiently perform those activities.… Read the rest
How to Do More In Less Time
New Podcast: Productivity: Practical Time Management and Technology for Law Firms
Productivity. Time Management. There is never enough time in the day, it seems. There are solutions.
Listen to a few as lawyer/geek/technologist Daniel J. Siegel of Integrated Technology Services, LLC and the Law Offices of Daniel J. Siegel, LLC offers some productivity tips on the Vandenack Weaver Truhlsen podcast with Mary Vandenack, with this episode entitled “Productivity: Practical Time Management and Technology for Law Firms.”… Read the rest
Please, please, please LEARN TO USE EMAIL, Pretty Please
Can we all agree that email has been around for a while? And so has the horrid Reply to All feature. And so has the ability of businesses to just turn off email boxes of employees and not monitor who might be contacting the departed. Have we learned nothing in all the years email has been a part of our lives?… Read the rest