PDF users beware: If you don’t know how to redact, or how redaction and PDF editing work, you may have problems. Today’s Philadelphia Inquirer has an article that highlights how easy it to “edit” PDFs. The article spotlights how documents containing Pennsylvania State Senate expense records appear to have “changed” over time. For those who don’t understand PDFs, it may be confounding.… Read the rest
Jargon-Free Software Training for Lawyers & Paralegals – By Lawyers & Paralegals
Software trainers may know about the products they support, but they may not know what you do. Legal software is the perfect example. Trainers often know their products, but couldn’t explain the difference between a pleading, discovery, or a contract, let alone the nuances that are so critical to successful lawyering. We do, we are practicing lawyers and practicing paralegals, who not only speak the language of law, we use it every day.… Read the rest
No wonder people hate computers – and dread tech support
People know that I love technology, and use it every chance I get, but sometimes I run into circumstances when something happens and I understand the frustration. That happened to me recently. Oh, and by the way, I later learned that the problem that the support line couldn’t fix was really my fault because I should have known what the company’s trained (?)… Read the rest
Friday, Sept. 28th – Live CLE in Media: Using Technology to Prepare For Hearings, Depositions & Trial
One of Attorney Dan Siegel’s most popular programs, recent attendees called this a “must” program for all litigators.
Learn how easy-to-use technology can help you prepare more effectively and more efficiently for depositions, hearings, and trials, with better results in less time. This webinar will demonstrate:
- The various technologies used by lawyers today vs. the pen-and-paper methods;
- How to analyze the strengths and weaknesses of cases using litigation software;
- How to prepare for proceedings with confidence that you have the documents or other evidence needed; and,
- How to create chronologies that also serve as an outline for opening statements and other trial-related matters.
Now Available – The Ultimate Guide to LexisNexis CaseMap
The Ultimate Guide to LexisNexis CaseMap is now available for purchase. Authored by Attorney Daniel J. Siegel, the book is the definitive guide to users of CaseMap, the premier litigation analysis software. LexisNexis CaseMap makes analyzing cases easier and allows lawyers to do a better job for their clients – in less time. Click here to buy the book, which is available in .epub… Read the rest
Ultimate Guide to Adobe Acrobat DC Is Now Available!
The Ultimate Guide to Adobe Acrobat DC is now available on both the ABA bookstore as well as Amazon! With 285 screenshots and easy to understand, jargon-free, step-by-step instructions, Dan and I have written what we believe is the most comprehensive book available on the software.
As PDFs have become the standard in the legal and business communities for creating, analyzing, storing, and exchanging digital documents, and for filing documents in courts with electronic filing systems, you need our tutorial!
Coming Soon: The Ultimate Guide to Adobe Acrobat DC
Pamela Myers and Daniel Siegel’s new book, The Ultimate Guide to Adobe Acrobat DC, has gone into production. Published by the American Bar Association, the book is a comprehensive guide for anyone who uses the software. Every chapter contains step-by-step instructions and illustrations showing how to use the program so that users can quickly maximize the power of this software.… Read the rest
Coming Soon – The CaseMap Book (Second Edition)
We are pleased to announce that the second edition of the CaseMap book by attorney Daniel J. Siegel will be going to press shortly. Two years in the making, this book is a major revision of the first edition, The Lawyer’s Guide to LexisNexis CaseMap, and focuses not only on how to use CaseMap, but also includes numerous tips to get better results.… Read the rest
Lawyers – even those who aren’t techie – can make some changes to their software – and save time
When Allison Shields and I authored How to Do More in Less Time: The Complete Guide to Increasing Your Productivity and Improving Your Bottom Line, we included tips for being more productive in how lawyers manage our days, and our staff, etc. We also included tips for improving a lawyer’s (and really anyone’s) use of technology. After all to be productive, we all must manage our time.… Read the rest
Dan Siegel to Discuss Social Media & Ethics in Pittsburgh & Philadelphia
Need a CLE credit? Or perhaps you have a concern about your use and your clients’ use of social media? Then Dan Siegel’s upcoming program, “Current Issues in Technology, Social Media & Ethics” is for you.
Dan will present this one-hour program at PBI’s Pittsburgh center on Thursday, August 25, 2016 at 3 p.m. Click here for registration and other information.… Read the rest