Integrated Technology Services

FCC Adds Kaspersky Products to List of National CyberSecurity Risks

The FCC has added Kaspersky products to the list of cybersecurity risks. Law firms should alert staff not to use the products on any devices that access their firms’ networks to safeguard client information.

Of course, the last thing you need from your Internet security product is for it to be a threat to your security. Let alone national security. But on Friday, the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) called Kaspersky a national cybersecurity threat by adding Kaspersky, China Mobile, and China Telecom to the list of companies affected by the Secure and Trusted Communications Networks Act of 2019.… Read the rest

Please, please, please LEARN TO USE EMAIL, Pretty Please

Can we all agree that email has been around for a while? And so has the horrid Reply to All feature. And so has the ability of businesses to just turn off email boxes of employees and not monitor who might be contacting the departed.  Have we learned nothing in all the years email has been a part of our lives?… Read the rest

Using the Table of Authorities Builder in Microsoft Word

If you are not using the Table of Authorities builder in Microsoft Word, you should be. Manually creating this table (and managing to keep it updated when changes are made to the brief) is an impossible task. If you are using it, and are having difficulties, like I was today, here are some quick tips:
*Deleting All Table of Authorities Field Codes
I recently worked on a brief that was written with a lot of cutting and pasting from other documents.
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Really? Software Ignorance Hits a New Low!


How dumb are they?

I can’t say what I’m thinking, I’m in public.

So after you copy and paste it back to word can you print to pdf again and then copy and paste it back to word? HAHA!

These are real quotes, all in response to the Pa. Bureau of Workers’ Compensation’s latest “Tip of the Month – Copying and Pasting from PDF to Word Document,” an email whose number one piece of advice is so wrong and so… this is mixed company so I won’t say.… Read the rest

Technological Incompetence – It’s Scary

Last night I lectured to the Barbieri Inn of Court – a specialty group of lawyers in the Philadelphia area who primarily handle workers’ compensation cases – about the requirement that lawyers be technologically competent. I discussed everything from cellphone security to ransomware.

But today I realized that for some lawyers the bar for technological competence is much, much lower, perhaps below ground level.… Read the rest

NSA Report Offers Practical, Plain Language Guidance About Securing VOIP Systems

The NSA has released a cybersecurity report on how to better secure Voice and Video Over Internet Protocol (VOIP) systems. These systems allows you to make calls using an Internet connection rather than a regular phone line and combine voice, video, and instant messaging.

The report is helpful and provides easy-to-understand guidance on how to protect these communications from vulnerabilities and hackers and limit the risk to data confidentiality.… Read the rest

April Windows Update – Helpful – But Save Your Word File

Microsoft released its April update for Windows 10, and it fixes a lot of bugs, 113 of them to be exact – some of which are important. For more information, click here to visit the ZDNet story about the update.

Back Up Your Word File Before Doing the Update

Although we have been unable to confirm this with Microsoft, our office has experienced problems with the update – one in particular: our Microsoft Word… Read the rest

Survey Finds Lawyer Satisfaction With Remote Work – Not Necessarily What We Hear

A National Survey on the New Normal of Working Remotely

A study by the Red Bee Group found that lawyers working remotely were somewhat or very satisfied with the systems in place to allow them to work remotely. That’s not what we are hearing at Integrated Technology Services, LLC, where we hear that many solo and small firm attorneys weren’t ready for the dramatic upheaval caused by the COVID-19 pandemic and its forced closure of firms.… Read the rest

Working Remotely – You NEED Adobe Acrobat DC

In our office, we use four software tools more than any others: Microsoft Outlook, Legal Files case management software, Microsoft Word and Adobe Acrobat DC. In addition, at Integrated Technology Services, LLC, Pam Myers and Dan Siegel sell, support and train users of these and numerous other software products, including the entire Microsoft Office 365 suite of products. These products are even more essential now that we, like everyone else, must work remotely for an indefinite period of time.… Read the rest

Did You Know You May Already Have Video Chat? Our Clients Know!

One of the things Pamela A. Myers, Christa Frank High and Dan Siegel (at Integrated Technology Services LLC) repeatedly explain to clients is that the software they already own can usually meet their needs – because the products have many more features than they realize. A great example is Microsoft 365 Office, which has many apps and features users don’t know exist.… Read the rest